FAQs ❓

Will my body butter melt while in transit during hotter months?

These are real butters so in high temperatures, they may melt in transition. However, upon arrival if melted, place in the fridge for 20-30 minutes and it'll return to solid form without losing any of its properties or benefits.

Where should I store my Natramedics products?

Store Natramedics products in a dark, cool place away from light and heat.

Which products can be used for children?

All of our products are made with natural ingredients that is safe for skin of all ages. However, trust your knowledge of your child and any allergies they may have. That is the beauty of using product from a company that is committed to transparency, you always have our all natural ingredient list. When in doubt about an ingredient, ask your child’s doctor.

What are the brown and green speckles in the body butter?

Our process includes infusing aloe vera that is infused via its powdered form. Those are aloe vera powder flakes and will dissolve into the skin as you rub in the product.

What is the dark and cloudy substance (or sediment) at the bottom of my Natramedics oil bottle?

Our carrier oils are infused with real, dried flowers and plants, as a result the larger herbal sediments sink to the bottom, naturally. It’s harmless, plus it’s the most beneficial part of the product. Shake well before each use and enjoy!