Our Story

Brandi's journey to starting Momma B's farm was born out of a series of tragic losses in her family. She had lost relatives on both her side and her husband's side due to preventable health-related issues caused by their diets. It was a wake-up call for her, and she knew she had to take action to prevent further tragedy.

It was during her own pregnancy, when she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, that Brandi realized the importance of taking control of her health and reconnecting with the food she ate. Even though her doctors urged her to take medication, she refused, knowing the potential risks and side effects.

With a determination to heal herself and her family, Brandi left the doctor's office in tears and turned to growing her own food. She immersed herself in the world of farming, learning all she could about sustainable agriculture, organic practices, and natural remedies. She poured her heart and soul into growing and preparing healthy, nourishing meals for her family.

As her health improved, Brandi knew that she had found her calling. She felt a deep sense of purpose in helping others to reconnect with their food and to take control of their health. She wanted to ensure that no one would suffer the same fate as her deceased relatives and when people were presented with medical diagnoses, they had a natural alternative to getting well.

And so, Momma B's was born. 

Brandi poured her heart and soul into gathering resources and funding to build a farm, using her knowledge and experience to grow the most delicious and nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. She wanted to share her passion and her food with others, to help them reconnect with the earth and to heal themselves from the inside out. 

